
It has and will always be our goal to offer, healthy wholesome, nutritious foods, treats and supplements as well as the newest most exciting toys and chews for your dog.

Looking for a large selection of healthy, freshwater or marine fish and inver-tebrates? Look no further!

Small Animals
Rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, ferrets, chinchillas, sugar gliders, hedgehogs, gerbils, rats, mice and other small rodents are fun pets to keep.

Pet birds enjoy interaction, in as little as 30 minutes a day you can enrich your bird’s life! The relationship you share with your companion bird can be extremely rewarding.

Cats always land on their feet. Yes, cats are agile. They can jump high and twist their bodies like grand acrobats, often landing feet first.

Reptiles continue to be one of the fastest growing segments of the pet market even with the most recent additions to the re-stricted list.
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About us
Today's Pet has been family owned and operated since 1996 with a single location serving Elkridge, Columbia and the surrounding areas from Annapolis to Westminster and have more than 30 years experience in the pet industry. We have served as board members with MAPI (The Maryland Association of Pet Industries) for more than 25 years. Here at Today's Pet our main priority is to solidify the companion process by pairing up the right pet for each family situation.