Department Info
Looking for a large selection of healthy, freshwater or marine fish and inver-tebrates? Look no further! With over 80 crystal clear tanks of tropical and marine fish plus over 400 gallons of corals to choose from all over the world . Most of our tropical fish and corals are from the worlds most ad-vanced breeders and aqua culturist. Shipments arrive weekly adding to our exciting inventory. We receive regular shipments from Bangkok, Singapore, Jakarta, Peru, Columbia, Brazil, Trinidad, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Africa as well as our friends in Florida and California.
We carry most of your freshwater favorites including gouramis, show gup-pies, swordtails and platys, tetras, danios, multiple types of catfish, South American and African cichlids, discus from the Far East and fancy plecosto-mus from South America, just to name a few.
Our salt talks are always full of exciting fish and invertebrates and some of the best priced corals starting at under ten dollars. Come take a peak at our 300 gallon waterfall coral tank filled with awesome aqua cultured corals.
Check out some of our corals here.
Supplies….we have all your favorites from all the national brands. Ever buy a product and not be able to get the replacements parts or cartridge? We carry only from the biggest names in aquarium products including, Hagen, Tetra, Marineland, AGA, Aqueon, Hydor, Danner, Instant Ocean, Estes, Eshopps, Hikari, API, Kent, Seachem, Caribsea, Brightwell, and more.
And great fish flake, pellet and frozen foods from Fluval, Tetra, Hikari, San Fansico Bay, Ocean Nutrician, New Life Spectrum, and New Era. JOIN....
Join the Flipper Club
Flipper Club members receive a 10% discount on most of their fish, inverts and corals as well as most aquatic related supplies including foods, and supplements, decorations, fil-ters and replacement cartridges, maintainese supplies, skimmers, uv sterilizers, all pond equipment, stands, and lighting. 5% discounts apply to aquariums, and starter kits. Plus get free water testing, monthly coupons for additional specials and regular in store Club only specials or fish, corals and invertebrates. It's easy to join! Print out the application here and bring it in to us or just come in to visit us. We’ll get you saving the same day and best of all it’s good for a LIFETIME! Everything's included for a one time member-ship fee of $39.99 and never any renewal fees.
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About us
Today's Pet has been family owned and operated since 1996 with a single location serving Elkridge, Columbia and the surrounding areas from Annapolis to Westminster and have more than 30 years experience in the pet industry. We have served as board members with MAPI (The Maryland Association of Pet Industries) for more than 25 years. Here at Today's Pet our main priority is to solidify the companion process by pairing up the right pet for each family situation.